Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Ball

I had an absolutely fantastic time at the ball lastnight. It started out, I was very nervous because I really had no idea what to expect, but once Jessica and I got there, we we're making friends and having drinks and we were having an awesome time. Everyone's dresses were so creative, if I ever go to one again, I really really want to learn how to sew. Because there are so many possibilities!!! Anyway, the birthday ceremony was touching and beautiful. It meant a lot to us that they would think to include that in our ball experience. Then, the Guest speaker was remarkable. Roberta Gately wrote the book, "Lipstick in Afghanistan" and she has worked with relief groups in places like Afghanistan and Darfur. She talked to us about how important our marines were to the people of those areas and how proud of them we should be. Then, there was dancing!!!! And that was so awesome, but now my feet are killing me and I have to go work for 8 hours. lol Oh well.

All in all, I had a blast and I almost want to say I want to go next year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my husband will be home next year and I'll be able to go to a Marine Corps. Ball again.

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