Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

I'm sitting here, passing out candy, completely alone. That fact certainly has not past me this halloween. I am indeed, alone.

I really wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, because I really would love to find a party and just drink until I can't remember why anymore. Alas, I have to be at the store at 0545. Just a big huge inconvenience. Whatever. I get paid. It doesn't matter. I've got my music, I've got my dog and I've got candy. It's not a huge tragedy I guess.

I wish I could talk to him. I just am really hit by the reality of the danger of Afghanistan with the recent sucide attack that killed 12 american soldiers. I'm chilled with the thought that there are wives that will never see their husbands again. There are children that will never see their fathers again, and fathers who will never see their sons. God. I just can't think about that shit. I will go crazy. It will drive me into insanity. By the way, that's already a line I'm dancing with.

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