Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today was a really good day for me folks. It was mostly because I checked my attitude when I woke up amd I told myself that today was going to be good. First I went to this training session for my job and it basically remotivated me about my job and it put what I do into a perspective. I take care of every marine that walks through that door at the store and I have the power to make or break their entire day whether I realize that or not. If I am grouchy or in a foul mood, they can feel that, and it affects them. A bad mood is contageous and spreads like a disease. If I make my job fun and if I show genuine concern and attention to each marine that comes to my counter, then it can really make a difference. If I brighten one mood in the day, then it's worth every effort I put into it. I'm really motivated now. lol

Then, I got home and I got to to my best friends makeup for her ball and she looks so divine and I was just so happy to see her in her beautiful ball gown and her husband in his dress blues and everything looked so sharp and beautiful, I was just so happy to be a part of her night. I took pictures as she walked out the door and they had to hurry because they were late. I couldn't help but feel like Cinderella though. You know the part in the story when everyone leaves her to go to the ball? Yeah. I felt like that. Except Cinderella actually got to go to the ball, and I...well I don't.

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