Saturday, October 15, 2011


I feel like the toll that this deployment is taking on me is really hitting hard today. I mean it's not a special day or a holiday or anything like that, I just feel....exhausted. Emotionally exhausted. I feel like I never get to talk to my husband and we aren't communicating like we should. I'm scared that he's going to come home and I won't even recognize him, I'm scared that he's going to be a stranger to me. I just wish I could talk to him more. I hate that I'm always working when he's available to talk. I hate that I only get to talk to him once or twice a week. I live on e-mails and facebook messages.

I know I shouldn't really complain. Some marine wives only get to talk to their husbands once a month, if that. Jordan and I should be thankful for the communication that we do have.

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