Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Got This

    I'm not looking to jinx myself, but I do want to admire my progress at this deployment, you know? Just take a look back and see how far I've come. I am 29% done with it. that means that there is 71% to go, but I am very happy to see that 29% growing. I feel like I've actually gotten somewhere. First, there was the Hurricane. Now, that sucked, you can go back through my posts and read about it, but I was scared. I didn't really know what to do, but I handled it because I had to handle it. I didn't panic, when things went bad, I didn't freak out when it didn't all work out. I kept myself together and I handled it. Then, there was the transition to the new job. It was a really inconvienient time to do that, but I handled the transistion. I didn't let it stress me out. I embraced it and learned from it. And now, the animals having to go to the vet, it's very stressful, yes, but I'm handling it. I'm not as weak as I used to think I was, I mean, the situation isn't ideal, no, but I've got this.

The key is to know that nothing is under control. As long as you know that, then you can practically handle anything.

I endure, as we all must. Story of a marine wife, right? We endure.


  1. How long has your husband been deployed? How long will he be deployed?

  2. I also look forward to reading your blogs for when my husband is deployed next year, it will give me motivation and inspiration to know that i will be able to do this. Thank you :)
