Thursday, October 20, 2011




Two seconds. Literally two seconds.

It took two seconds for me to lose it. I heard a song on pandora and it took two seconds and now I'm crying my eyes out. I JUST posted about how fantastic my day was going and how much of a good mood I am.

See this is why I hate deployments. It's like an extended period. I am up, I am down, I am happy and sad, and I don't know what the fuck I'm going to be feeling the next minute. Right now, my heart hurts. I want him so bad, I just want to spit. Who knows? Maybe in another two seconds I'll be great again.

 This is the damn song

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely going to be hard for me when Kris gets deploys, i have no idea what you are going through at all, but i know sooner or later i will. I never have liked this song, but the music video definitely makes it alot different. He will be back before you know it and the only reason why you are crying will be of relief and happiness. I saw Jordan in the newspaper yesterday, it was the same article that was online and I smiled really big because i knew that when you saw that in the paper, the paper that everyone will get and read, you were gonna be even more proud.
