Monday, June 6, 2011


Sometimes I really just dislike the marines. Take today for example. Jordan left for work around 0400 (4am) and didn't come home until a little after 2100 (9pm). I mean really? He got a small break for dinner, but that was it. I mean, I understand that sometimes he's going to have long days like this, I'm just really annoyed with the timing of it all. We're going through a lot of shit right now with our relationship and I'm starting to question a lot of things. I don't need the Marines butting in with their c2 by keeping him for 15 hours of the day. Ah well. I'll get over it.

Jordan also dropped some news on me today, he said he might not be deploying this fall. There's a lot more to it than that, I just don't feel like typing it tonight. I'll explain later. Yes I love keeping you in suspense. I've got to keep you coming back for some reason right? ;)


  1. i know what you mean! i hate how they just surprise you with their hours. i remember when my boyfriend came back from the field and they kept him til 6pm and then the next day, he gets off at 2 and then texts him to come back... like really?! lol.

    by the way, i love reading your blog. i'm glad i can relate to it.
