Saturday, December 31, 2011


Alright, so 2011. Let's see

January- Jordan and I were still recovering from Kosovo. We hadn't quite learned to love each other yet. In all honesty, at this point, I wasn't even certain we were going to make it.

February- I found out that Jordan was going to deploy again and my heart filled with dread. I also got a job interview with Best Buy. Jordan and I at this point, are still on the rocks, but we're working on it. We were really trying. Both of us.

March- Reading back in my journal, it looks like March was a really depressing month for me. I really let the sadness of my marital problems get to me and I let it drag me down. Jordan turned 22. We also started going to church again. Also, we got a snake.

April- This is the month I met my new neighbors, Jessie and Jacob. I could never predict what good friends they would turn out to be and how much I would be glad I had them in my life. Jordan also find that God is mending our relationship. I got the job at Best buy this month. Jordan'd parents came down for a visit.

May- My wonderful amazing husband took me to Wilmington for our 3 year anniversary weekend and we had so much fun. I will never forget that trip and how grateful I was that he planned it. This was when I finally started to feel like we were falling back in love with each other. My parents got me a Nook Color for my birthday.

June- Jordan was promoted. It was the first promotion that I actually got to see and I was so proud of him. Jordan went on an exercise and was gone for 2 weeks in which my friend and her baby moved in with me. This is also the month when I start to realize that the summer is ending and Jordan will be deploying again.

July- The Pre-deployment brief really hit home with me and I start mentally preparing myself for the upcoming deployment.

August- I quit Best Buy. Jordan leaves for Deployment #3. And Hurricane Irene hits Havelock. Pretty intense month.

September- My brother turns 23. My parents came down for the labor day weekend. We went to Fort Macon and the beach. It was a really fun visit. I started working at the Troop Store on base.

October- I meet my friend Jessica F. And we really hit it off. She has been next to me step by step through this deployment. I couldn't imagine going through it without her supporting me. I also became friends with Ashley B. Which also turns out to be a very important person in my life. I also got to webcam Jordan for the first time since he left.

November- I got to go to the Deployed Spouses Ball in Jacksonville. I went with Jessica. We had so much fun. I am so glad that we got to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday together. I also got to see my first Birthday run through the base. It was pretty inspiring.

December- I got to go back to Indiana for Christmas!!! And see my family again. It was so nice. I also got my nose pierced.

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