Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is Veterans Day. I love Veterans day. Mostly because there are some awesome Veterans that have made an impact on my life. First and foremost, the person that I have known the longest.

My Daddy. My dad is retired navy. I don't remember much of being a navy brat, only that him being gone was one of my first memories. I remember missing him. I remember wishing that he was here and being confused about why he wasn't. I will always be proud of him and of his service for this country. I'm proud of the sacrifices that he made and continues to make. I'm very very proud to call him my father and that I was blessed to be raised by him.

Next, the person who is closest to my heart.

My husband. Jordan has been in the marine Corps since 2007 and I married him in 2008. You know, I told myself when I was younger, remembering what my mom went through being a navy wife, I remember specifically telling myself, "Do not get involved with a military man," sure enough, here I am, 13 weeks into our 3rd deployment. You know what though? I think it's because of my dad. He always spoke so highly of the military standard. And I don't think I would have been happy with any other life. Jordan also had me as soon as I saw him march across the parade deck in his blues. Its that uniform. Jeez.

Anyway, yes. I'm proud of my husband and I'm proud of his service. I'm proud of his sacrifices (plenty of them) I'm proud of everything that he does to protect me and protect the country that he loves so much.

Happy Veterans Day you guys. I love you both more than anything. And more for my readers enjoyment than the veterans themselves, I've attached each of their bootcamp pictures ^_^ And no I'm not removing them, guys so don't ask.

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