Friday, October 14, 2011


I don't know what you expect from me. You are the one who cheated on your husband. "Sexting" is cheating, my friend. I'm not going to support you doing it. I'm not going to encourage you to do it. And if your husband finds out? I'm not going to defend you. You knew the risk when you sent the first text, and I warned you. I told you that it wasn't a good idea, but you didn't listen to me. You "knew what you were doing,". Just because the marriage is over in your heart, doesn't mean that it's over. And any man who will "Sext" a married woman, is a pig. No matter how detached she is from her husband she is, she's still MARRIED.

Yes, I feel pity for you, and I will always help you if you need me, but don't look for support or defense. You cheated on your husband. I don't even like your husband. But it's never acceptable to cheat. I thought you were better than that, I knew you were stronger than that.

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